Simple Execution All scripts that are saved in the "Home Base" folder will appear in the "Script" menu. To execute a script, simply select it from the "Script" menu. Black Night will load the script, compile it if necessary, and execute it. You can terminate an executing script by selecting "Terminate Script" from the "Script" menu. Debugging Scripts While you are working on and debugging a script, you may prefer to execute it from the "Script Editor". You can do this conveniently by selecting "Edit Script" from the "Script" menu. Black Night will launch the "Script Editor" and instruct it to open the script you've selected. Patience Please Sometimes, loading and executing a script can be a slow process (up to ten seconds). So, please be patient and give the script a chance before reaching for the reset button ! Technical Warning The Apple Component Manager does some wicked things to the System Heap that can upset the Apple Connection Manager. I've added quite a bit of extra code to help protect you from this, and I could add some more if required. However, I don't believe I should be managing the System Heap (that's Apple's job), and I'll only do this if absolutely necessary. You can help by letting me know if you have any problems related to Connection Tools that occur while you are executing a script from within Black Night. I'd really appreciate that !